February 2021

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Making sense the teacher evaluation with the value of local culture

The voice of school principals represents the principals’ thoughts and experiences because of their as teachers’ evaluator. It provides principals’ perception on making sense the teacher evaluation. In qualitative research, voice can provide the truth and meaning of principals’ experience in teachers evaluation. Their voices in the qualitative interviews are recorded and transcribed into words …

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Evaluation of The Implementation of The Inclusion Program

In practice, inclusive schools face many obstacles, using a curriculum that has not been fully implemented properly. Teachers do not understand using methods and learning media for children with special needs. Be in a good instrument. Unique infrastructure that has not been adequate in supporting child development is an obstacle to implementing inclusive education successfully. …

Evaluation of The Implementation of The Inclusion Program Read More »

Profil Prof. Dr. Supadi, M.Pd

Lahir di Klaten Jawa Tengah pada tanggal 3 Maret 1964. Merupakan putra keempat dari pasangan Alm. Martaprawira dengan Ngadikem. Menikah dengan Lilis Suryani dan dikaruniai dua orang putri yaitu drg. Dita Liesdi Nurmalasari dan Dhea Liesdi Agista, S.Ak. Prof. Dr. Supadi , M.Pd. menamatkan Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kalisoga, Klaten tahun 1989, lulus SMP Pangudi Luhur  …

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